Also, if the requested armor combo has a Character Build associated with it, I'll put a link for it in the name. You can also request private images if you'd like, or you can post your own image of what you'd like. You don't have to fill every slot, but at least try to have a cuirass. You can use anything for the 4 main armor slots (Head, Chest, Hands, and Feet), but no weapons or shields. You can only use armor and apparel that is found within the vanilla Skyrim or the DLCs. If you want to submit an armor combo to this collection, make a post in the thread, or PM me, with the name of the combo, as well as the armor pieces it uses. In this collection, you can find armor combos suggested by members of the Forge using Vanilla Skyrim armors and apparel. Have you ever sought inspiration for a build through images or screenshots of armor from Skyrim? Or had an idea for a combination of armors, but no time or patience to collect the required components to make your imagination a reality? Look no further, for I have decided to bring back the Armor Combo Catalog from the original Skyrim Blog. These guards protect the capital cities of.

Gideon Emery voiced the Imperials, and Martina Lotun voiced the female Stormcloaks. They were voiced by Paul Ganus (who voiced Eorlund Grey-Mane) and Olev Aleksander. Posted by Skull-Blackblood on Decemat 12:07pm The Guards of Skyrim appear as the law enforcement of Skyrim, essentially replacing the Ordinators of Morrowind and the City Watch of Oblivion.